Journeys into the Unknown

i'll kiss your soul...and take your breath away...

Lady Raven- Jessica Galbreth
Belladonna - Jessica Galbreth
when given the chance
Saturday, July 21, 2007
recycled heart beats
given a chance among defects
tattered and torn, time weathered
prove worthy misguided steps
turning back to

where is my voice among echoes?

i've called for you a dozen times
but the lines seem to be crossed.
mixing messages

i'm lying dormant among shadows…waiting

skipping beats to get back on track
reclaiming provisions. given.
take 'em back.
i've (been) lost a dozen years

i'm tired and worn
dipping into my soul,
recovering only ashes.
coming up short
lacking substance

i think i will die today…

fire awaits my arrival.
dust in the flames,
my will toward change…

the winds are changing…a new day rises with the sun

i must have jarred my pieces,
found them in the cooled darkness of my mind
preserved and waiting. lids are tight
needing strength to be reopened

open me. parts were lost in translation and i'm in need of your fluency

let's (re)write scriptures.
personalize spirit within cored chords
my literacy (be)comes
integrated synapses
syncopated with breath

retrieved my mind, though dust particles linger

some day i'll be (re)born.
earthed lights
anticipate my arrival.
i'm present
in the most distant way possible
and i'm rewinding
all over again

entrapment aches for freedom

patience. love.
i'm working toward my release,
wiping my feet on the mat
before entering
posted by the Raven @ 6:14 PM  
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Name: the Raven
Home: Lost in Illusion
About Me: wanderer, seeker, free-spirit; i defy convention, am a motivator of free thinking and deep self exploration; i help others ponder reality and society; i inspire, intrigue, excite...bring others into my self and release them as stronger, more colorful creatures.
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