Journeys into the Unknown

i'll kiss your soul...and take your breath away...

Lady Raven- Jessica Galbreth
Belladonna - Jessica Galbreth
dear dreamer...dear realist
Thursday, August 31, 2006
dear dreamer

dreamer...i found you
waiting on calla lilies...blooming
new breath toward daybreak...
fixating on satiation...
i found you diagonal along
painted paths...sparkling
in periphery...i...quickly
awoke to your metaphysical
charm...making sweat inside
ohm...filing into
domestic cities...without trees...
we cut down the branches of nature
omitting firsts and foremosts...
forcing energy to reside inside
trap doors...and now...unveiled is
the vertical you...the unmasked
and dirty you...the where soil feeds you...
the fertilizing growth inside
the i see you for the first time you...
where lessons lay awaiting
raindrops to help them bloom...
where lines have double
to bring out the best in you...
where water was putting out the
fire in you...instead of making steam...
and i love tea...boiled to
perfectly balanced aromas...
cleansing manifestations
bringing back one...
silence killed harmonic
melodies...un done fragments
fit together between the lines...
i shed my skin...revealing...
scripting...multiple facets
hidden...let me now
show you my true poetry...un-caped.


dear realist found me...
waiting on calla lilies...
each sparkle of sunshine
imagined hope...i fell
without breath to darkened pits...
knowing someday bottoms would hit...
you found me diagonal along
painted loomed me
from a tangled mess...our dance
seemed eternal...but...the steps
were unknown...we moved mountains
and parted seas...i wanted you flight...i dreamed you
here in this dream with me...essentials
omitted in rose colored frames...
you see me now in clarity...
you have helped me see
where beauty blooms...
i've been dancing on wingtips
for way too are now
accepting me...undressing me...
allowing be the real me...
the who i've always been me...
and i see you...the putting down
your armor you...the un-caped
and human you...the not so serious
and academic you...where lines
have double meanings...crossdressing
to bring out the best in you...
where water was causing smoke fires...
instead of creating steam...
and i tea...we
perfectly balance aromas
manifesting back to one...our fragments
have been un done...through silence...
you have found your voice again...
you shed your skin...bringing me back in...
multiple facets once tucked away...
we are "i"...seedlings
in true poetry...planted.

posted by the Raven @ 11:47 AM   1 comments
Sunday, August 27, 2006
if every action has an equal and opposite reaction
all acts of love
may very well have
equal acts of hate...
from the same embodiment...
and therefore
each moment of
showing someone care
will be counterbalanced
with acts of...
is that part of this natural law?
do we consider this philosophy
in terms of heart matters...?
all energy is energy
if energy cannot be destroyed then...
all kinds of energy can be shifted...
including that which we
as souls give to one another...
or to no one...

it is mine
to heal
under rock roads
speed bumps...
dance dangerously
into darkness...
it is mine
to be come
out of sacrifice
fly free now
through uncertainty's gates

how do i choose
my grieving
for too many
fingers gone away...
the death of...
regeneration of...
death of...
when the dead
die again...after appearances
of life bloom...for a moment
what are the steps
to grieve again...

understand you can not
have me in your grips...
you pain me and
i need no more
than that which
already resides here...
stop raising me to
hope fullness
only to drop me off your cliff...
i am not
that woman
that you can fuck with...
i know what you look like...
i see you hiding in the shadows...
you are not my friend...
leave me alone already...

dark clouds
lingering over blue skies
violence is not answers
though your war follows me around...
let me live
without the life
of you...

another energetic held
captive to be unleashed...
chickens from the pen...
you have been released...again...

food for thought
though can they
stick to the lining
through my purging?
seems nothing stays down...
i vomit hell...
posted by the Raven @ 6:13 PM   0 comments
blood.shed light
Saturday, August 26, 2006
broken hearts...shattered
in scattered glass fragments...
silent yesterdays reveal
pain numbing minds
in stagnating breath
forward is thought
steam rolls from fire
where water combusts...
one year
three months
eleven days
love poured...souls be came
not always enough
pain bleeds sorrow...spilling...
some times too much
endings beginnings
filing bankruptcy in lust
fighting to stay fine...finite
in finite force...becoming torn
raw hides of rivers...flowing
down streaming consciousness
under certaintys fragile frame
mending...lost on battlegrounds
floating...heavenly creatures
trying to stay alive...searching
loss...war is over...sadness reigns
blood light
though darkness...creeps
posted by the Raven @ 6:57 PM   0 comments
About Me

Name: the Raven
Home: Lost in Illusion
About Me: wanderer, seeker, free-spirit; i defy convention, am a motivator of free thinking and deep self exploration; i help others ponder reality and society; i inspire, intrigue, excite...bring others into my self and release them as stronger, more colorful creatures.
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